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  • Small Class Sizes: Get more personalized attention with up to 24 students in each cohort.
  • In-Person Learning: Enjoy hands-on experiences in a friendly campus environment.
  • Affordable 学费: Access a quality education with financial peace of mind.

职业治疗涉及到对正常日常工作的整体使用,以帮助个体在整个生命周期中参与到有意义和有目的的活动的最高水平. 最终目标是通过在自己的环境中最佳的参与和参与来支持生活满意度的实现. Occupational therapists (OT's) are trained to use occupation-based interventions to promote health; enhance, restore or maintain function; and/or prevent further disability. By working cooperatively with other health care professionals and engaging in evidence-based intervention, OT's are able to support clients in achieving the highest possible level of independence.



申请将透过 职业治疗师集中申请服务(OTCAS).  OTCAS的申请将于每年6月中旬开始接受. 在OTCAS于6月关闭之后, applications can be submitted directly to the 澳门网上博彩下载 招生 Department until July 31.

完成 applicant files received by October 1 will be reviewed for priority selection. After the priority deadline is past, complete applicant files are reviewed on a rolling basis. The selection process requires an interview before final decisions to offer admission. 2024-2025年录取周期的邀请申请人的OTD招生面试定于11月1日和15日举行, 2024."


  • 经验丰富的教师拥有广泛的临床专业
  • 职业治疗专业的热情倡导者
  • 开放政策和特殊的师生支持
  • 在项目中提倡家庭氛围
  • Committed to 1:1 meetings with advisees to promote student success
  • 促进教师领导的学生在校园诊所的机会


Dr. Ramey Creery希瑟Locasha
Dr. 丹尼斯DermodyDr. Lori Miller
Dr. 苏珊·霍利Dr. 凯特Reiter
Dr. 凯蒂·乔·芬克 


实地考察 & 社区外展经历

Competence is achieved when future practitioners apply the OT process.  实地工作经验允许有机会使用基于证据的干预措施来满足不同人群的职业需求. 这些经历为OT学生提供了应用从学术课程中学到的理论和科学原理的机会.  在各种实践环境的背景下与实际客户需求合作,提高教学教育和技能. Both fieldwork and service experiences provide diverse opportunities for the learner to develop advocacy, 领导, and managerial skills and the opportunity to develop entry level competencies. 

随着学习者在社区作业中的进步, performance expectations will become progressively more challenging. 将进行两种类型的实地工作:   

  • Level I 实地考察 Experiences: Occur concurrently with academic coursework.  这些经验旨在通过监督经验和参与职业治疗过程的选定方面来丰富教学内容. 一级体验将在1-5学期进行.   
  • 第二级实习经验:在职业治疗课程教学阶段结束时进行.  These experiences are designed to develop competent, entry-level, generalist practitioners. 二级实地工作任务将为不同的客户和环境提供全面的职业治疗服务经验. 二级经验要求学习者专注于有目的和有意义的职业和循证实践的先进应用. Level II experiences will occur in the last 6 months of the program.  

The fieldwork experiences allow for real world reinforcement of didactic learning experiences. 学生将有机会将教学内容与来自各种实践环境的基于客户的经验进行比较.  学习者将运用他们的批判性推理技能和成人学习经验来解决新的和创新的情况.  学习者也将被期望寻找额外的信息和证据来支持他们的决策过程. These learning experiences will serve to foster the development of a competent, 医疗保健专业人员.



To be considered for admission the following criteria must be met:

  • 完成至少60学分的本科课程,并且在申请时未完成的先决条件课程不超过3门. (note: 90 credit hours of undergraduate coursework must be completed before entry into the program)
  • 3.最低本科平均绩点(GPA) 
  • 3.0累积先决条件GPA 
  • A grade of C or higher must be earned in all prerequisite coursework 
  • 大学先修课程或CLEP学分将不被接受 
  • Prerequisite courses are required to be completed within ten years of application 
  • Satisfactory completion of all prerequisite coursework before starting the program
  • Applicants whose first language is not English must prove English Proficiency

Completion of at least 90 credit hours of undergraduate coursework, 包括所有先决条件或学士学位, 在开始职业治疗项目之前需要做什么. 


申请被接受使用 职业治疗师集中申请系统(OTCAS)

OTCAS的申请将于每年6月中旬开始接受. 在OTCAS于6月关闭之后, applications can be submitted directly to the 澳门网上博彩下载 招生 Department until July 31.  

All required application materials must be received prior to admission consideration. 完成 applicant files received by October 1 will be reviewed for priority selection. OTCAS申请应在优先截止日期前2-3周提交,以便有时间进行验证.

After the priority deadline, complete applicant files are reviewed on a rolling basis. The selection process requires an interview before final decisions to offer admission.

The following materials must be received before admission consideration: 

  • 应用程序 
  • Non-refundable $50 application fee paid directly to 澳门网上博彩下载 by calling (319) 226-2014
  • 所就读大学的正式成绩单 
  • Three recommendations from academic or professional representatives
  • 个人陈述 
  • 完成 工作见习表格 来自两种不同的经历
  • 目前的个人/职业简历 
  • Applicants whose first language is not English must prove English proficiency


申请人必须完成至少60个学分的本科课程,并且在申请时不超过3门必修课程. 至少90个学分的本科课程和所有的先决条件课程必须在课程开始前完成.



The 澳门网上博彩下载 Occupational Therapy program is a combination of classroom, 实验室, 实地考察和顶点教育. 

  • 全日制,面对面的动手项目
  • 丰富的实地工作经验
  • 注重实践、社区和服务
  • Interprofessional合作 
  • 学院支持的学术项目
  • 个性化体验顶点



视图 澳门线上博彩官网的职业治疗(OT)项目 2024 - 2027年的学历.




你的未来从澳门线上博彩官网开始! 申请人澳门线上博彩官网职业治疗博士(OTD)项目通过36个月的课堂学习提供入门级学位, 实地考察和顶点准备. 每年秋季只有24名新生入学. Small cohort sizes and faculty dedication promote hands-on, collaborative learning experiences.

Applicants that become part of the OTD program at 澳门网上博彩下载 join a family of occupational therapists, 校友及职业治疗专业学生:

  • 成功完成国家职业治疗认证委员会(NBCOT)考试(100%通过职业治疗硕士课程).
  • Highly employable (100% employment rate, per MS in OT 校友 report).
  • Satisfied with their 澳门网上博彩下载 education following graduation.
  • 治疗师团体的一员, 校友, and students who value service to others throughout the program and into practice.
  • Supported by a small cohort size with a high faculty to student ratio (1:12).
  • Engaged in fieldwork and community outreach services throughout every semester, 在各种实践环境中提供实践经验.


As graduates of the program these students will emulate the institution's core values of caring, community, integrity, learning, quality and accountability. 这些价值观将使他们做好接受多样性的准备, 社会责任, 领导, partnership and professionalism in all personal and professional endeavors.  生活满意度来自于成功地从事适合澳门线上博彩官网当前环境的有价值的职业. The students in the 澳门网上博彩下载 OT Program will collaborate with clients, 家庭和其他支持系统制定与客户能力相匹配的护理计划,并支持发展满足其当前卫生保健需求所需的新技能. 最终, 该计划的毕业生将准备实践与全球健康的新趋势有清晰的认识,并将能够运用社会正义的价值观,因为他们帮助他们的客户达到预期的医疗保健结果.

项目成果(MS in OT)




毕业 from the 职业治疗博士 (OTD) requires successful completion of all coursework, 在课程最后一天的24个月内,顺利完成所有的实地考察和顶点经验. 所有课程必须按照课程的先后顺序完成,不接受转学分. 一旦获得最终成绩,学生可以要求向国家认证委员会提交成绩单,并最终向执照委员会提交成绩单. The 澳门网上博彩下载 OTD academic progression and graduation policies are available in the 澳门线上博彩官网政策图书馆.


澳门线上博彩官网入门级职业治疗博士学位课程已申请职业治疗教育认证委员会(ACOTE),美国职业治疗协会(AOTA), located at 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E, Bethesda, MD 20814. ACOTE’s telephone number c/o AOTA is (301) 652-AOTA and its web address is www.acoteonline.org.

该计划必须被授予候选资格, 进行资格预审, 完成现场评估, 并获得认可资格,毕业生才有资格参加由国家职业治疗认证委员会(NBCOT)管理的职业治疗师国家认证考试。. 在顺利完成这次考试之后, 这个人将成为职业治疗师, 注册(OTR). 除了, all states require licensure to practice; however, state licenses are usually based on the results of the NBCOT Certification Examination. 请注意,重罪定罪可能会影响毕业生参加NBCOT认证考试或获得州执照的能力. 有关认证的更多信息可在 www.nbcot.org.


学生必须在完成课程教学部分后的24个月内完成24周的二级实地考察和14周的个人顶点经验. The doctoral capstone experience must be started after completion of all coursework, Level II fieldwork and preparatory activities defined in 2023 ACOTE OTD Standard D.1.3